Share Your notes
What can I write?The answer is, write about anything or any subject which is directly or indirectly related to SLC and HSEB curriculum. You can write (including but not limited) an essay on an important topic, or a newspaper article, or may be a review of a movie you’ve recently watched, may be a short note on an important topic you’ve learnt in your class, etc. You can take our help or we can also edit anything if necessary.Small paragraph of yours might be useful for a lot of students. So, please do not hesitate to share if you have any.Anything is accepted.
What will I get?
On the bottom of the note we will write your name or any other details that you will give.Full credit of the note will be given to you.Your name will also be listed in contributors’ list which can be opened by clicking contributor's list on the menu of the page(on the top)
- The article shouldn’t be published anywhere else in the internet.
- The author cannot republish the article again.
- The author can seek help from us (Notesblognepal(NBG nepal) team) on the completion of the article.
You may mail us your article through
Remember, you will be helping a lot of people by doing this. Send us message if you have any question
-Notesblognepal(NBG nepal) team
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