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Showing posts from October, 2015

MS ACCESS SLC COMPUTER NOTES   MS ACCESS Per a beginner the term database may sound too technical Or complicated. But once you understand the concept behind this term,you will find it very simple.Letus first describe what a database is. It has been defined in several ways. a simple definition would be the database is an organized collection of related information (data) that can be accessed easily for various purposes. The database is a file composed of records, each contaning fields. A record is a complete set if related information that corresponds to one row of information in the database.Field is a category of information which corresponds to one coloum of informaion in the database. Data are nothing but the collection of facts and figures specified under particular heading or field. Databases are used are used in our day to day life. The dictionary is one of the most common examples of data...

Computer fundamental Notes SLC NETWORKING "Q: What is a computer Network??" "A: A network is a group of two or more computers interconnected by cable or other some media enabling them to share information and resources" In detail about computer network Well if you have visited offices or cyber cafe's you might have seen the receptionist sending mail to another user or personnel in same office to visit him/her via computer. Well how is it possible to send emails files or information from one computer from another?? the simplest answer is "it is possible due to computer network" they send emails , databases and files the computers are connected by cable or other media's now in this chapter we gonna learn advantages and disadvantages of networking , it's types , components , types of topology , media , bandwidth ,cables, types of transmission, protocols, network hardware,etc. Now let us get star...

In situ and ex situ conservation EPH NOTE SLC   In-situ conservation ·           It is the conservation of natural habitats and the maintenance and recovery species especially the endangered one in their natural surroundings ·          In-situ provides larger mobility to the animal protected within its area. ·   This method of conservation is appropriate for the conservation of animals found in abundance. ·   Generally less artificially intervention is done. Animals are left to flourish under the natural ecosystem and food chain. · Conservation done in the forest areas, national parks, wildlife reserves etc can be taken as the in-situ conservation Ex-situ conservation notes...

ENERGY NOTES ENVIROMENTAL SCENCE SLC (OPT SUBJECT) A. Write answers to the following questions. What is energy? Mention any four forms of energy with examples. Describe in short why energy is important for the development of a nation. What is meant by furl? Mention any three common sources of energy in rural parts of Nepal. Explain in brief the importance of energy in industrial development. What is meant by the source of energy? Mention any four major sources of energy in urban parts of Nepal. What is a renewable source of energy? Give three examples also. What is a non-renewable source of energy? Give three examples also. What is a bio-fuel? Is it a renewable source of a non-renewable source of energy? Give reasons to support your answer. notesblognepal.blogspot....

Ozone layer depletion note SLC ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE(OPT) 1. Answer the following questions a.   What is atmosphere? What are the constituent of the earth atmosphere? Answer: It is the mixture of gases surrounding any celestial object that has gravitational field strong enough to prevent the gases from escaping. The principal constituent of the atmosphere are nitrogen and oxygen. There are other gases as well like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and many other gases, which include both active and inert gases. b.       What is ozone layer? Where is it found? Answer: It is an atmospheric concentration of ozone found at an altitude of 16-50 k.m above the earth’s surface. It is tri-atomic structural gas of oxygen atom. It is found in the stratosphere. [a region of the upper atmosphere, between about 16-50 km in altitude containing a relatively high concentration of ozone that absorbs solar UV radiation in a wavelength...

Optional environmental science green house effect notes SLC ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE(OPT) 1.  Answer the following questions             a.  What is a greenhouse? What is its specific characteristics?             Answer: -  Greenhouse is a house made up of glass or plastic, especially constructed to grow plants by maintaining proper temperature inside it. It allows the radiation of sun to pass in but the reflected rays can not escape away from within the house. By such process there is the condition, where the heat get trapped and the temperature is more than in the surrounding. In other words the wall of greenhouse keeps warmer inside it by trapping infrared radiation. (A greenhouse is a form of controlled environment agriculture because the temperature, light, moisture, soil and other conditions essential for plants' growth can be regulated) b.  What is ...